Have you spent countless hours writing blog post after blog post, and still have yet to see any significant results in terms of dollars? Creating a profitable blog can be very difficult if you don’t know exactly what your blog needs in order for it to start generating any amount of income.
You might feel that you’re doing everything correctly and you’re just not sure why you’re not earning as much as you’d like. Or in some cases, not earning any money at all.
Fortunately, there’s a way to find out what the problem is. But first we need to understand what exactly it is that a blog needs in order to become profitable.
In this post, I’ll cover the 3 keys every blogger needs in order to create a profitable blog.
Traffic To Your Blog
Website traffic is important. Period!
You can have the best product in the world, but if you can’t get enough traffic to your blog, it’s safe to say that you probably won’t be making as much money as you would like.
How Traffic Can Lead To A Profitable Blog
All blogs require a certain amount of traffic in order to achieve any level of success.
If you have a $27 digital product that converts at 2% and you attract 2,000 people a month to your product’s landing page, you could potentially generate $1,080 for that month.
Attracting 10,000 people to that same landing page, you could then potentially be generating $5,400 a month.
Popular Ways To Increase Traffic
In order to create a profitable blogging business, you need to work on driving more traffic to your blog.
Common traffic sources:
- Search Engines (Google, Pinterest)
- Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.)
- Paid Ads
- Email Marketing
- Guest Posting
Build Trust With Your Readers
When it comes to blogging, to be able to convert a reader into a customer, you first have to build a relationship with your audience. A lot of this can be through your email marketing where the conversations are a bit more personal as if you were emailing a friend.
This can also be done through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can even engage with your audience through the comment section of your blog. In general, the more your audience gets to know you, given that you have provided them with helpful content, the more trust that will be build.
Note: The more passionate you are about helping your audience, the easier it’s going to be. If you genuinely care for them, results will come.
This can easily be achieved in a few different ways:
Create Great Content
The easiest way to establish trust with your audience is by serving them great content that solves their problems.
Always keep in mind why people visit your blog in the first place. Ask yourself: Why do people visit your blog? What problems do they need solutions to?
If you have a plant blog and you’re teaching people how to stop killing their plants, they’re going to love you. As long as you keep delivering them helpful content, they’re going to keep coming back.
Always Be Honest
Being honest and transparent also helps build trust.
If you’re not an expert in a particular area of your niche, let your readers know that.
Be vulnerable but confident. Tell them about times when you’ve failed and what you’ve learned from it.
When you’re honest and you genuinely try to help your audience, they will see that.
Be Personable
Another way of establishing trust is by being personable.
Let your audience know who you are, post photos of yourself, tell them your own story.
People like doing business with other people. Interact with your audience. Reply to blog comments and emails. The more your readers know you, the easier it will be for them to trust you.
Create A Product That Solves A Problem
Survey Your Audience
The best way to get ideas of not only what to create but exactly what to include in your product is by surveying your your email list (even if it’s a small one).
All you have to do is ASK your audience. Ask them:
- What content do you want to see more of?
- Which problems do you need help with?
- What kind of product would you be interested in?
By creating great content that has helps your audience, they will be much more likely to give feedback, especially if they are regular readers of your blog.
You can also take a look at your web analytics to see which posts are performing the best. This will help give you an idea of what your audience wants.
Also, take notes of what people are saying in your comments. Are people often asking the same questions? Write an article providing them a solution. You could also package up the solution into an email opt-in, or even include the solution as part of your own digital product.
To learn more about surveying your audience, Foundr has a really helpful article on the topic.
Solve Problems
Put yourself in the shoes of your customers.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What problems are my readers being challenged with?
- Why is it that they struggle with this problem?
- What are they hoping to achieve by visiting my blog?
Asking these questions will help you determine what type of product would best suit your readers. The more results you’re able to get your audience, the better testimonials you will receive, the more success you’re going to have.
Under Promise, Over Deliver
I’m sure we’ve all purchased a product of some sort in the past. One that you were really pumped up for, but when you received it, your excitement quickly deflated like an old balloon.
That’s what I guess we would call an ‘over promise, under deliver’. Or a shitty product.
But you don’t have to deliver a product that blows them out of the water. You just need to at least make them feel that their money was well spent.
An easy way to please your customer is to include bonuses. This can be a checklist, a template, a swipe file, anything related to the product or piece of content that will help the person.
Keys To A Profitable Blog
While all three of these are extremely important, don’t feel that you have to master all of them at once in order to make any substantial amount of money.
Learning is a process. It takes time. Especially with blogging.
Firstly, start by creating amazing content. By doing this, you’re already in place to start building trust with your readers.
Next, focus on driving traffic to your blog. You will slowly start building an email list which you can later use to survey product ideas.
Lastly, based on your research and feedback, create a product that your readers want.
As long as you nail two out of the three, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to start generating income and have a profitable blog. If you have a product that you’re trying to sell, but aren’t making any money, you might only have one of these down.
Look into your blog analytics to determine what could be the problem. As you spend more time blogging and you put in the time and effort to consistently learn and improve, it will become much easier to identify where your blog is lacking.
In conclusion, if you focus on creating great content and building trust first, the rest should be a breeze.
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