Affiliate marketing is one of the best options for creating sedentary income flows from your website or blog. It all comes down to suggesting other companies’ services, digital products, or physical products in exchange for a commission. Many bloggers find it to be a natural fit for their business because it’s relatively easy to implement and it’s not too salesy. Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to monetize your site, and is one of the most effective methods of earning money online. 

The number of diverse affiliate marketing opportunities is tremendous because so many organizations provide referral programs to help spread the word about their product or service. One method to get into this revenue stream and start earning money from your website is to join an affiliate network.

In this guide, we’ll look into:

  • What is Affiliate Marketing
  • How Does Affiliate Marketing Work
  • How Much Money Can a Blogger Make With Affiliate Marketing
  • How Do You Earn With Affiliate Marketing
  • 7 Steps To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing
  • Popular Affiliate Networks & Affiliate Programs 

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money by advertising the products or services of others. Affiliates just choose and publicize things they enjoy, and they get a cut, or commission of the earnings from each transaction. To track sales, affiliate links from one site to another are used.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Two parties are involved in affiliate marketing:

  1. The merchant
  2. The affiliate (you)

The firm that offers the product or service is known as the merchant. They want to connect with new clients and increase sales, therefore they’ll pay affiliates a commission for every sale that they lead back to the merchant.

Affiliates are usually people in the same business as you, such as well-known bloggers with a large following, and they’ll advertise your product for you in some way to drive traffic back to your site. This might be in the form of a blog article review, recommending the product to clients, or even launching marketing campaigns themselves.

Each affiliate is provided a personal URL by the merchant so that they can trace who is accountable for a sale. When an individual clicks on that link, their device saves a little file known as a ‘cookie’. The affiliate cookie assists the business in crediting the sale to the correct customer. It also has an expiration date, which means that you’ll get paid even if the customer doesn’t buy the thing right away. 

Affiliates are paid a commission for each conversion, which is usually a direct sale. This might be a one-time fee ($50 per sign-up) or a percentage of sales. Affiliates are sometimes only compensated for the initial sale, but in other circumstances, they may be paid for all of a customer’s transactions within a year or indefinitely. This money can definitely add up. 

Although it may appear deceitful when affiliate marketing is done correctly, customers profit as well. They’re exposed to items and services that are a good fit for their requirements that they might not have discovered otherwise.

How Much Money Can a Blogger Make With Affiliate Marketing?

How Much Money Can a Blogger Make With Affiliate Marketing?

Well, a quick reply to this question is that as a blogger, the number of fortunes you can generate through affiliate marketing is limitless. It all relies on your market segment and the quantity of time you have dedicated to it. Successful affiliate marketers can make anywhere between $1000 and $1,000,000 each month. I know what you’re thinking, it sounds ridiculous. 

If you want to check out more realistic earnings, ThrivingAffiliates has a great round up post of affiliate marketing income reports from various bloggers. 

But just have it at the back of your mind that if you’re new to affiliate marketing, your earnings may appear to be small at first, but as time goes on, you’ll be able to earn a lot. You’ll need to keep your expectations in check as you move forward.

How Do You Earn With Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an evident lure for anyone trying to boost their online income. This is a simple and inexpensive way to earn some cool cash without you having to trade anything. So how can an affiliate be compensated for bringing together merchants and buyers?

Customers aren’t necessarily expected to buy a product before an affiliate can earn a token. Depending on the plan, the affiliate’s assistance to the seller’s deals is computed variably. 

A variety of incentives are available to affiliates through different programs:

1. Pay per click.

The goal of this strategy is to get affiliates to send clients to the seller’s website via their marketing platforms (blogs). This means the subsidiary must contact the customer and push him to leave the subsidiary’s website and visit the seller’s website. Affiliates are rewarded for driving more traffic to a website.

2. Pay per sale.

This is how affiliate marketing works in most cases. The affiliate receives a percentage of the product’s sale price from the merchant when a buyer acquires a product as a result of the affiliate’s (blogger) marketing efforts. In other words, before paying for the product, the affiliate must persuade the potential buyer.

3. Pay per lead.

Pay-per-lead affiliate programs are more complicated systems, and affiliates are paid based on the number of leads transformed. Affiliates must persuade their customers to go to the seller’s website and complete the required actions, such as filling out an inquiry form, registering to try the product, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading software or manuals.

7 Steps To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?

Step 1: Search and go for a suitable platform for yourself

Affiliate marketing is theoretically possible on almost any channel. Twitter is also an option. Putting together an audience and boosting affiliate revenue is much easier with either of these two channels: a blog or YouTube channel.

It’s relatively simple and affordable to launch a blog these days. To get started, there are numerous of resources and tutorials available on the internet. The great deal here is, it only costs a few bucks every month.

As soon as your website is up and operating, you can increase its search engine ranking by optimizing it for search engines with SEO. After that, you can add affiliate links to your articles wherever it may be applicable.

Another option is to use YouTube. Because you are allowed to produce and share material for free on YouTube, it appeals to a wide range of people. 

Step 2: Choose your niche

Whatever niche you’re passionate about, that’s the one I say get into. There will always be a lot of competition when you first start blogging. And every day, the number of bloggers on the globe grows. Who cares! The more you enjoy the topic that you’re blogging about, the better your odds of success. 

However, you should narrow down your niche to boost your chances of success. Select a topic that is narrowly focused on a single category. Instead of talking about dance as a whole, you may talk about a specific type of dancing.

You can gain more target clients and rank higher on search engines if you keep a careful check on your problem. You can move on to other topics once you’ve covered most of these categories and boosted traffic to these pages.

It’s critical to remember that to be a successful content creator, you must choose what you enjoy doing. Often affiliate websites fail due to a lack of continuity. When the going gets rough, it will be a lot easier for you to find your way around if you are passionate about the subject.

Step 3: Look for affiliate programs to join

There are three different sorts of affiliate programs from which to pick.

  • Low-paying, high-volume affiliate programs

This is an affiliate program for a product that is generally appealing yet unprofitable. Take, for example, the PS4 game. Many individuals use the PlayStation 4, but games cost roughly $50 on average, and membership fees are frequently in the single digits. That means you could make $ 2-3 on each sale with a little luck.

The benefit of this program is that it sells a lot of copies. Consider the Amazon affiliate program. On practically every sale on Amazon, you can pay a 10% commission.

Another plus is that you often get commissions on all purchases, not just the products you recommend. It takes a lot of traffic to make these affiliate programs profitable.

  • High-paying, low-volume affiliate programs 

These are high-priced affiliate programs for specialized products. For example, you can join an affiliate network that pays approximately $ 500 per month if you merely refer 60 customers to a company. However, because CRM software is supplied to small business owners, the market is limited.

For programs with large fees, there is also more competition. It’s difficult to make a lot of money when you’re just starting because you’re competing for large sums of money with experienced marketers.

  • High-paying, high-volume affiliate programs

These are affiliate programs that pay out a lot of money for products that have a lot of people interested in them.

Let’s take a look at a bank card as an example. Everyone needs a credit card, and the majority of clients remain loyal to the company for years, if not decades.

Such products have the drawback of attracting only affiliates with a lot of experience and a lot of money. Some people utilize spam tactics as well, and you won’t be able to compete with them.

Step 4: Create great content

You must provide quality materials, including affiliate links if you want your affiliate website to be successful.

Don’t just go with one of Amazon’s best-selling products. Make an extra effort to fix the visitor’s problem with your content.

And if you’re writing a review, buy the product and put it to the test. This is exactly what great affiliate marketers are doing and it’s why they are successful.

You may always start with what you have at home if you don’t have enough money to buy everything. If you run a tech blog, for example, you could write reviews on the products you possess.

Step 5: Drive traffic to your affiliate blog/site

After you have made some excellent content, the next stage is to increase the number of individuals who read it and click on your affiliate links.

Consider the following techniques of getting traffic on your blog:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – The practice of optimizing pages to rank highly in search engines such as Google is known as SEO.

You’ll obtain constant and passive traffic as long as you can rank high in the search engines for your target keywords.

  • Paid traffic – This is where you pay for website traffic. You can achieve this with pay-per-click (PPC) adverts.

The benefit of sponsored traffic is that you get traffic as soon as you start paying.

There are, however, some drawbacks.

To begin with, placing advertisements will eat into your income. It’s common for advertisers to lose money before making a profit… if they ever do. When it comes to optimizing a bought traffic campaign, you must be realistic about how long it will take.

Second, if you stop paying for advertisements, your traffic will cease.

In general, if you’re part of a high-paying affiliate program and can make the digit work, advertising is an excellent traffic technique.

However, if you’re new to paid marketing and don’t have a marketing budget (or are using smaller commission programs like Amazon Associates), it might not be the best decision.

  • Build an email list – You can get your readers at any time using email lists.

Use them to notify lovers of new material and encourage them to return to your site for more. More affiliate clicks and sales result as a result of this. You can also send affiliate email promotions directly to your list.

To create an email list, you must encourage your website’s visitors to sign up. This entails providing something of value.

Step 6: Get clicks on your affiliate links

People aren’t going to click on your affiliate links just because you have a great piece of content. So, what’s the best way to persuade people to click on your affiliate link?

These are a couple of things you should take note of:

  • Context – Always double-check that your link isn’t spammy or out of context.

  • Callout – Using callouts like buttons, tables, and boxes can assist draw attention to your content and make it easier to scan.

  • Link placement – Clicks will be few and far between if your affiliate links are located near the bottom of the page, where visitors rarely scroll.

Make every other word a link in your introduction, on the other hand, and your material will appear spammy. You must strike a balance between link placement and the other variables mentioned.

Step 7: Convert clicks to sales

Making money in the affiliate industry requires two conversions.

The first conversion occurs when you visit the product page. You have complete control in this situation. To improve your clickability, follow the step 6 technique.

The visitor purchasing the item is the second conversion. The merchant controls the checkout in affiliate marketing, and their conversion rates are outside your control.

The key is to use the game to your advantage and hunt for merchants who have high-converting programs.

Popular Affiliate Networks & Affiliate Programs



Affiliate marketing is a good option for bloggers who want to keep control of their earnings by focusing on generating efficient revenue. Professional bloggers (affiliate marketers) who collaborate with sellers can earn passive money without ever leaving the house or having to worry about a product or service.

Affiliate marketing is a favorable process for all parties involved when done correctly. The affiliate blogger, the retailer, and even the customer all gain directly from the arrangement. The blogger earns money, enterprises sell more items, and consumers learn about and quickly obtain products they want.

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way for bloggers to make money online. Especially if it’s your first time monetizing a website. If you’ve written articles that are optimized for affiliate marketing, you should be seeing dollar signs in no time. Remember, the more traffic to your blog, the more opportunity you will have for people to click on your product links. 

If you’re interested in getting more traffic to your blog to make more sales, be sure to take a look at the post: SEO for Bloggers: The Ultimate Guide to Google Traffic.

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