Millions of aspiring bloggers fail every year despite all of the information needed to succeed being readily available on the internet for free. So what is the reason behind most bloggers failures? In this article, I’ll be going over the most common reasons why bloggers fail, and what you should be doing instead. This will ensure that you get on the path to success and not on the one to failure.
The good news is that blogging is simple and that there are many strategies you can implement to become a successful blogger. The important part is that you take your blog seriously and put in the time and effort.
If you want to build muscle, there are certain things that you need to do to get results; a work out plan, a diet that is conducive to your goal, and sufficient time for your muscles to recover. Blogging is just as simple. It’s a lot of work, but it’s not as difficult as you might think.
By following the advice in this article, you’re not only going to not fail, but you’re also going to dramatically increase your chances of success. But don’t just read this article and go back to your old ways. Takes notes. Bookmark it and come back to it. There’s too many bloggers who fail. Take your blog seriously and create good habits that set yourself up to win!
10 Reasons Why Bloggers Fail
1. Not being patient
One reason why bloggers fail is because they expect to see quick results. Growing a blog takes time, and more importantly patience. Your blog isn’t going to see success overnight. It’s going to come slowly. Knowing this at the very beginning will increase your chances of success since you’re not expecting to see any traffic anytime soon.
In fact, most bloggers don’t see any significant results for many months due to the Google sandbox, which is the time period when new blogs or websites do not receive any organic search engine traffic because they’re not seen as a reputable or trusted site yet.
Take advantage of this time to get comfortable with blogging tasks such as creating content, learning search engine optimization, and just putting yourself out there.
2. Inconsistent publishing
Consistency is key when it comes to growth. Think about your favorite TV show, podcast, or YouTube channel. Does it release new content consistently? Do you get excited on certain days of the week because you’re looking forward to the next episode?
Imagine if content creators did not publish consistently. If YouTubers posted once every 3 months. Or if your favorite TV show only released a new episode whenever they felt like it. Chances are they wouldn’t be your favorite thing to watch anymore, and you’d most likely find something more consistent.
This is the same with blogging. You need to give your audience something to come back for. I recommend publishing a minimum of one blog post per week to begin with and once you’re confident with that, increase it to twice a week. The more you post, the higher chance you have of being noticed, and the higher chance your blog has of finding success.
3. Never monetizing your blog
We live in a world where you can make money from just about anything on the internet. This includes your blog as well.
You can start monetizing your blog in the beginning by signing up for ad networks like Google Adsense, which you can implement almost immediately.
While the success of your blog isn’t based on the amount of money you can make off it, it is the number one reason why bloggers quit. Unless you’re truly a hobby blogger, you need to be able to generate an income from your blog.
If you’re making money off your blog, you have a higher chance of being able to spend more time and effort into growing your blog and therefore making it more successful. This has the potential to be your full-time job one day, so it’s good to monetize early and understand how money is bought in through your blog.
4. Not having a plan
Another reason why bloggers fail is because they don’t have a plan. You need to have a some sort of plan if you want to find success through your blog. You probably won’t have much luck if you go into this blind. If one week you publish a post about health and fitness, and the next week you post about the best laptops for engineering students, you’re going to have a very confused audience.
Form a plan and stick to it. If you’re starting a travel blog, stick to travel. Don’t throw in an article about growing your own carrots because you have nothing else to write about that week. Take some time to plan out your blog, and make sure it’s something you’re proud of and can stick to.. weekly!
One thing that has really helped me produce results and something that I highly recommend is to create a blog content calendar. This will not only keep you more organized, but it will also keep you more consistent and on track.
Your blog plan should cover:
- what blog posts to write
- when to publish blog posts
- monetization methods
- content promotion
- monetization
5. Writing content for yourself
While this is your blog, the blog and its content isn’t for you. This goes along with the previous step. Just because you’re interested in something new this week, doesn’t mean you need to write about it on your blog that has a completely different target audience.
And while you might enjoy writing on a particular topic, make sure the blog post serves your audience well. Is it teaching them something that they need to know? Will this article provide a solution to an obstacle of theirs?
Sticking to the content that your readers are interested in as sudden changes can result in a loss of readership. It’s okay to change your content over time, but don’t do it abruptly. Don’t go from being a travel blog to a construction blog overnight. Your travel audience probably isn’t interested in learning how to build a house.
6. Blending in with other blogs
It’s okay to find inspiration from other blogs, but you never want to make your content look just like theirs. It’s much easier to find success when you’re unique. This is what is going to make it stand out in the crowd and have readers flock to your page to see what you’re going to post next.
If you watched a TV show which was scripted word for word as a different TV show, just using different actors it wouldn’t be very exciting because you already know what’s going to happen. It might look different, but the outcome is exactly the same.
7. Not investing in your business
Having a blog, you’re essentially running your own small business. You’re putting time and effort into something for other people’s enjoyment, and hopefully, you’re making a slight profit from all this hard work (remember the monetization step!)
If you want your business to grow, you need to invest in it. Likewise, if your internet is so slow it takes 6 hours to upload a single blog, it might be time to think about an upgrade so you can eliminate this upload time and put those hours to better use (such as writing more articles or advertising your blog!)
And if your keyboard is covered in crumbs and half the keys don’t type properly anymore, take this as your sign to invest in a new keyboard. It’ll be worth it in the long run, and all these businesses expenses will pay off.
Once your blog starts taking off and earning an income, these expenses become a business expense and can be claimed back on tax. If buying a faster laptop is going to significantly help your writing and allow you to post more frequently, then we’d recommend you do this and invest in your business.
8. Striving for perfection
Another reason why bloggers fail is because they spend so much time trying to write the perfect blog post or the perfect website design, or the perfect (fill in the blank).
The truth is, your blog doesn’t have to be perfect, and if you strive for perfection in every single post, you’ll barely ever get a post up. Yes, your blogs need to be good. They need to be well structured, have proper grammar, be easy to read, and entertaining. But they don’t need to be perfect.
If your blog is about the top 10 restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area, as long as your readers leave with a better understanding of all these restaurants and are inspired to try one out, then your job is done. You’ve communicated what you need to, and your reader is leaving happy. It doesn’t matter if it wasn’t perfect.
9. Chasing shiny objects
Don’t stray away from the plan. If your traffic strategy is Pinterest and you watch an exciting YouTube video about how promoting your content on TikTok is the next best thing, do yourself a favor and stick to the original game plan.
There are more shiny objects on the internet than
Also, while making a profit on your blog is an incredible thing to be able to do, don’t chase the shiny objects. If a company reaches out to you and asks you to write a blog post on their editing software for $500, but your blog is a beauty and fashion-based blog, this is not going to make any sense to your audience. And chances are, you’ll lose a few readers in the process.
The more you grow your blog, the more these opportunities will come in, and the more aligned they will be to your blog. If you’re a beauty and fashion blog and a lipstick company reaches out for a paid review, then this is something you could highly consider. But only because it fits, not because you’re chasing something shiny.
10. Giving up
And the number one reason why bloggers fail is because they simply give up. Creating a successful blog takes time, and if you give up, then you have a 100% chance of failing. Someone who posts their first video on YouTube isn’t going to get a million views overnight, just like your first blog post won’t either. But maybe their 12th video will. If they gave up after their first video, they never would’ve created those 11 other videos which finally lead them to a successful video. Don’t give up on your blog, no matter how much you feel you aren’t seeing success. It could be waiting right around the corner.
We understand how frustrating it can be for a new blogger. There’s a lot of competition out there and sometimes it feels like you’re not getting the recognition your hard work deserves. If you find yourself doing some of the 10 things mentioned above, implement the changes and see growth in your blog. You’re running a business, and you need to treat it like one. Put in the work, and you’ll reap the rewards.
If you are reading this blog, chances are you have a blog and you’re worried it’s going to fail. Being worried is a great first step, it means you care and have the passion to grow and succeed. Now get out there, and post some consistent, original, wonderful content.
If you enjoyed this article on how bloggers fail and how to win at blogging instead or have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below!
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