You can show all your excellent vocabulary skills dancing across your blog post, but landing with a prolific conclusion is much more critical. All your efforts will fail if it doesn’t leave an impression on your reader’s mind. Hence, not only the first impression but last impressions also matter. So, the question is, how to end a blog post?

Isn’t it harder to finish a blog than to start it? We have always been taught how introductions matter in blog posts. Consequently, we spend more time thinking about a catchy start to win the attention of our readers. But the problem is, your readers will soon forget what they have read if your conclusion isn’t up to the mark. 

So, the conclusion is your last chance to generate some good ROI from your content. Yet, the job is better said than done. The following points on how to end a blog post will ease this problem and help you write a fantastic conclusion on your own. 

1. It Should be Short and Sweet

Writing a blog is mostly about creativity. And as a blog writer, your imagination already has the wings to fly above the conventional. But a swift and short landing shows your control, above all. No matter how efficiently you started, if your conclusion fails, your efforts follow too. 

You have the whole blog post to express your views. So, maybe, sometimes all you need is a short and sweet ending. Concluding in such a manner isn’t an easy task but isn’t impossible either. Once you learn the trick, you will see the difference in an instant. So, stay focused on keeping your endings short and sweet. 

2. Put a Summary

Irrespective of what your blog is about, your readers tend to forget most of it by the time they reach an end. Summarising the content you have written helps them memorize it. Hence, your conclusion should be a summary of your topic.

While writing such a conclusion, make sure you brief about all the key takeaways from your blog post. Yet, it shouldn’t only reiterate all you have written but educate your audience about something too.  Also, be sure not to make it fluffy, but relevant, so that it ties everything under one umbrella. 

3. There should be an Actionable Solution

When your readers read your article, they basically read your thoughts, giving you the authority to control their minds. At the same time, they also draw a picture of the speaker in their mind. So, while writing anything on a recent issue, you should sound more like you have a solution to the problem, or it’ll sound like you’re just complaining. 

The difference between a journalist and a blog writer lies here. While a journalist reports, a blog writer speaks his/ her mind. Hence, it becomes more relevant what you think rather than what you know. You can boost your credibility by telling your readers how you and they can resolve the issue you’re discussing.

4. End a Blog Post with a Question

We have already told you how reading a post creates the writer’s image in your reader’s mind. The way you form your sentences and choose your words leaves a significant impact on them. It decides how you want to sound. As a blog writer, you would never want to sound dictatorial. Instead, your article should be more conversational and interactive. 

One way to achieve the goal is by asking your readers a question at the end. Whether the question is about asking for their opinion or a rhetorical one, the main goal is to make your readers think. A rhetorical question helps your readers be reflective while asking for their views enables you to see what they understand.

For instance, if your goal is to increase the number of comments on your blog, you can end the blog post by saying, “Comment your thoughts below.” Thus, you’ll be able to make a connection with your readers and make them feel worthy. 


5. Give Them a Task

By now, you may have noticed how we are trying to help you create an interactive blog. An interactive blog is an example of a successful one. But this interaction shouldn’t only work when someone’s reading your blog, but after that too. Hence, much like asking a question, giving your audience a task also helps keep them busy. 

For instance, if you are writing a food blog where you are mentioning different recipes, you can ask your readers to try something experimental. If your writeup is exciting and interactive enough, they would do it and come back again to get a new challenge. 

6. Direct Them to Another Blog Post

One interesting blog post can make a huge difference. It can change the way of your traffic. While traffic is what we want on our sites, driving them in the right way is necessary. If you think your blog is interesting enough and succeeds in holding your readers till the end, why don’t you just recommend them to read something related?

For instance, on a blog post about different tea-making processes, you can redirect your readers to another blog where you have mentioned the benefits of drinking tea. You can end it like this: Now that you have mastered the tea-making skills, why don’t you just check the benefits of drinking tea? 

7. What's Coming Next

Another proven way of keeping people engaged on your blog is by giving them a hint on what’s coming next. If your blog is a tutorial or a series, you might want them to provide a pitch. It engages them by increasing the suspense. Putting that at the end is the best way to guide their way back to your platform. 

You can also encourage them to subscribe or bookmark if they are interested. If your post has inspired or impressed your readers, or if knowing what’s coming next excites them, they will do it. And once you release your content, your readers will be coming back for more.

8. Ask Them to Share

Even if you have your social media mentioned on your blog, they may not be enough to get many shares until you ask. Most of the time, readers actually bypass those widgets and don’t share anything until they are asked. And if asking is all that it takes, it is wise to end your content by asking them to like/share it on other social media sites. 

For instance, your ending can be: Sharing is caring. If you find our article worthy, don’t be late to share it with others. 

9. Start a discussion

Starting a discussion or conversation is a great way to get more engagement on your blogs. And for that, you can leave a topic or a question to let your readers discuss. Many times, these discussions come down to the niches you’ve chosen to write next. So, even though it’s not a popular method, it can be a great way to end a blog post. 


“All is well that ends well.” Concluding a blog post is harder than it seems. Summarizing everything in such short order may seem overwhelming, but you can master it with practice. But remember, your goal is to keep your audience intact and ensure that they take away everything they need to know. 

So, follow these steps and apply at least more than one tip we’ve shared to see the difference. That said, now that you know how to end a blog post, why don’t you try ending one yourself?  

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